Monday, March 2, 2015

Eating with Friends

Typically, I eat two or all meals a day by myself here. Although to be honest, that's not much of a change from last semester at Elon. But today something momentous occurred: I ate two meals with friends. (Just to clarify: I enjoy eating by myself. I typically read, watch YouTube videos, or TV episodes and just enjoy a nice break from everything. But friends are nice too.) 

I met Lucy for lunch today at this adorable little cafe called The Cottage Kitchen. We both got sausage rolls which were delicious, but difficult to eat. I also was very excited to have some loose leaf tea...something I've been missing! 

After eating, we stopped into a bakery called Fisher and Donaldson's that I eye every time I walk by it. It has so many different pastries that it's difficult to make a decision (especially for indecisive people like Lucy and me). After much deliberation, I got a chocolate eclair and Lucy got a fudge donut. They were delicious even if they did send us both into sugar rushes. 

True beauty.
We went and hung out in the theology lounge until Lucy had to leave for her 2pm lecture (the theology students are my favorite), at which point I headed to Starbucks to get some reading done. I worked there for several hours and actually accomplished quite a bit.

Finally I decided to head back since I needed to stop at the grocery store and do my weekly shop on the way. As I walked back to North Haugh (the area that my hall is in), it was snowing lightly! While it may have been snowing in Raleigh and Elon a lot for the past couple of weeks, it was the first bit of snow I've seen since the first week I was here! 

I met up with my JSA friends tonight for a potluck dinner. While everyone else made delicious food (thank goodness I fell into a friend group of good cooks), I brought a bottle of wine and crusty dinner rolls. Thanks, Tesco. 

Since dinner, I've been trying to get more reading done. It's been a very productive day as I've done reading, did laundry, had two very lovely meals with friends, and got invited to join Phi Kappa Phi! Here's to hoping tomorrow will be every bit as productive as today. xx

1 comment:

  1. congratulations on the Phi Kappa Phi and on having made another group of lovely friends! There's nothing better in life then girlfriends!!! Well , daughters and sisters are pretty good too :)
    Keep up the fun!
